In Their Own Tweets: People With Autism and SEN, in What Ways has Lockdown Affected Them?

An important part of covering this topic via these short pieces is to ensure that the people who are the actual focus are not consigned to simply being spoken for. Obviously, not everyone with either Autism or other Learning Difficulties has the ability to speak for themselves, but in the online world it’s possible to gain a crucial glimpse as to the challenges affecting those individuals as they navigate the pandemic alongside everyone else.

@whitemonkeygod emphasised the difficulty of wanting to function alongside everyone else and ‘muck-in’ while having a condition that often made the working routine particularly difficult to handle.

@truthautistic related how the Sunflower Lanyard, a valuable mainstay among those with Autism and other hidden disabilities has had its usefulness dramatically reduced in the face of neurotypical people claiming it simply to be able to possess a ‘mask-free’ status in stores and public places.

@JennaMPink spoke of her concern when schools were due to shut again, as the substantial task of now providing her children’s education was hugely exacerbated by her conditions, leading to a loss in their academic attainment.

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